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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-01-15  浏览次数:116
GE医疗集团(GE Healthcare)宣布,已与细胞动力学公司(Cellular Dynamics International,CDI)签署了一项许可协议,开发新的细胞分析检测产品。

    GE医疗集团(GE Healthcare)宣布,已与细胞动力学公司(Cellular Dynamics International,CDI)签署了一项许可协议,开发新的细胞分析检测产品。根据协议,GE医疗授权CDI开发、生产、销售源于诱导性多能干细胞的细胞分析检测产品及模型,这些产品及模型可用于药物发现及毒性筛选。



    GE Healthcare has announced a new sublicensing agreement with Cellular Dynamics International (CDI) pertaining to the development of new cellular assays.

    Under the terms of the deal, GE Healthcare has licensed CDI to develop, manufacture and sell cellular assays and models derived from induced pluripotent stem cells for use in drug discovery and toxicity screening.

    It follows on from a recent intellectual property rights agreement between GE Healthcare and assay developer Geron and strengthens the company's efforts to accelerate the creation of new pharmaceutical products.

    CDI is responsible for the sale of iCell cardiomyocytes, neurons, endothelial cells and hepatocytes, as well as the custom cell manufacturing service MyCell.

    Dr Amr Abid, general manager for cell technologies at GE Healthcare Life Sciences, said: "It is important that stem cell-based assays are available to researchers so that progress can be made in drug discovery; clarity and freedom to operate is fundamental to advancing the use of such assays."

    This also comes after GE Healthcare agreed to assist Merck Sharp and Dohme in carrying out a clinical trial of a new Alzheimer's disease drug earlier this month.

关键词: GE医疗,CDI,细胞
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