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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-01-11  浏览次数:344
Celgene公司CEO Bob Hugin日前在JP摩根健康产业投资大会上宣布了该公司未来五年的发展计划,计划中预测Celgene公司将用5年的时间使公司的销售额翻倍。


    Celgene公司CEO Bob Hugin日前在JP摩根健康产业投资大会上宣布了该公司未来五年的发展计划,计划中预测Celgene公司将用5年的时间使公司的销售额翻倍。与此同时,他还着重强调了Celgene公司研发的治疗牛皮癣的药物apremilast三期研究的情况,并称这项研究工作对公司五年计划有着很大的促进作用。



    Celgene ($CELG) captured the center ring at the J.P. Morgan conference on its opening day Monday. Company CEO Bob Hugin boldly mapped out a 5-year plan to double sales and highlighted upbeat Phase III data on its psoriasis drug apremilast that he believes will set the stage for regulatory approval on both sides of the Atlantic.

    Touting plans to grow sales of its blockbuster Revlimid, Hugin says that the company is advancing three new blockbuster programs that will help drive revenue to $12 billion a year by 2017. Hugin is looking for an FDA approval of its multiple myeloma drug pomalidomide (to be sold as Pomalyst) soon, with a filing for apremilast slated for the second half of this year. And Celgene expects to file Abraxane for pancreatic cancer later this year as well.

    "The accomplishments of 2012 and our outlook for 2013 have positioned us with significant catalysts as we enter a new growth phase for Celgene in all three therapeutic areas of our business--hematology, oncology and inflammation and immunology," said Hugin in a statement. "The increased visibility we now have to many of those catalysts allows us to reaffirm our 2015 targets and give new targets out to 2017."

    That assessment drew some rave reviews from analysts, who helped cheer on a rally for Celgene's stock.

    "We believe Celgene is re-emerging as a clean, earnings-driven growth stock as Abraxane's potential in pancreatic cancer becomes more fully appreciated and Revlimid gets back on track with European regulators," Cowen's Eric Schmidt told MarketWatch. "We expect Celgene's stock multiple to expand as a result."


关键词: Celgene,药物
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