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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2018-05-31  浏览次数:115


  为了保证采购时效性,信息有效期 1 周。


  联系人: Miki


  电话: 021-33392254


  ID Name of the Product Quantity Detailed Information province  
  ID 产品名称 数量 详细内容 省市地  
设备类 1 在线粘度计 采购1套 XL系列在线粘度计 大庆市  
2 六合一气体检测仪 采购1套 便携式六合一气体检测仪 昆明市  
3 智能测厚仪 采购1套 电脑智能测厚仪 深圳市  
4 电流传感器 采购1套 霍尼韦尔honeywell电流传感器:CSNS300M-002S、CSNS20000M-002S   请速来电话联系;报价请注明是否含税;要增值税发票;要求全新原装; 上海市  
5 生物采样器 采购1套 压缩空气微生物采样器 请速来电话联系;报价请注明是否含税;要增值税发票;要求全新原装; 徐州市  
6 高压蒸汽灭菌柜 采购1套 1立方米内容积的高压蒸汽灭菌柜,囗服液灭菌用 厦门市  
7 红外测温仪 采购1套 AR862+工业型红外测温仪 呼和浩特市  
8 红外测温仪 采购1套 美国雷泰红外测温仪ST20 银川市  
9 激光测距仪 采购1套 激光测距仪    zf-laser    Z+F IMAGER 5010C 武汉市  
  ID Name of the Product CAS No. Detailed Information Quantity Country
  ID 采购产品名称 CAS号 细节描述 采购数量 国家
原料药 1 LEUCOMYCIN A5 18361-45-0 Quantity: 25 mg;pack size 25 mg; Purity: 90% or above;Description: i am from hong kong 25 mg China(Hongkong)
2 L-Lysine, 5-[(2-O-a-D-glucopyranosyl-b-D-galactopyranosyl)oxy]- (9CI) 32448-35-4 Quantity: 1- 5 mgQuality Standards: High standardsPacking:Place of Origin: The NetherlandsPurity: 97%Standard: Detailed Description:   Netherland
3 5-Isoxazoleacetic acid,3,4-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)- 78967-07-4 Quantity:1g and 5gQuality Standards:Packing:Place of Origin:Purity:Standard:Detailed Description:   Spai
4 Acetamide, N-[4-methoxy-3-(1-methyl-1H-pyrazol-5-yl)phenyl]- 839714-89-5 Quantity:1kgQuality Standards:Packing:Place of Origin:Purity:98%Standard:Detailed Description:   China
5 Distillates(petroleum), heavy naphthenic 64741-53-3 Quantity: 200lQuality Standards:Packing: DrumPlace of Origin: ChinaPurity: 90%Standard:Detailed Description: OIL   Zimbabwe
6 TTCP 1306-01-0 Quantity: 500 gramQuality Standards: Packing: Place of Origin: Purity: >98%Standard: Detailed Description: Particle size should be 150-250 microns 500 Gram United State
7 Cellulose, sulfate, sodium salt 9032-43-3 Quantity:50 gramQuality Standards:LRPacking:regularPlace of Origin: any wherPurity:85%Standard:not specificDetailed Description:   India
8 1H-Inden-1-one, 2,3-dihydro-2,6-dimethyl- 66309-83-9 Quantity: 1 tonQuality Standards: Commercial gradePacking: 10 X 100 kgPlace of Origin: IndiaPurity:> 99%Standard:Detailed Description:   India
9 Botrydial 54986-75-3 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,I am a master student of the Christian Albrechts University of Kiel, in the course of agricultural sciences, specializing in crop science. Concerning my master thesis in the field of phytopathology I am looking for the phytotoxin botrydial (in pure form) for a pilot plant.According to your ad, a purchase is potentially possible. To present a concept plan to my supervisors, I need a list price (for example, per mg) of the required chemical.Would it be possible to get this information in advance?SincerelyRaphael Semken   Germany
10 Vinyl Chloride-Vinyl Acetates- Maleic Acid Terpolymer   Quantity:12 Metric TonQuality Standards:Can be physically checkedPacking:25 Kg /Bag; Craft Paper Bag or PP Knitted Bag lined with plastic film. Place of Origin:Purity:Standard:Detailed Description:   India
11 DESMETHYLCYPROHEPTADINE 10,11-EPOXIDE 54191-03-6 Quantity: 25mgQuality Standards:Packing: Place of Origin: Purity: Standard: Detailed Description: Inquire about price   Spai
12 1,3,2-Dioxaphosphorinane, 2,2-(1,2-ethanediyl)bis[5,5-dimethyl-,2,2-dioxide 75607-52-2 Quantity: 1kgQuality Standards:Packing:Place of Origin:Purity:99% minimumStandard:Detailed Description: Liquid or solid   United Kingdom
13 Paracetamol Powder   USP40 from manufactures 1000kg Egypt
14 Labrasol ALF free samples   We are looking for Labrasol ALF free samples for some pre-clinical experiments in mice and rats for Research and Development purpose.
It would be highly appreciating if we could get 100-200 mL of Labrasol ALF at below mentioned address or otherwise if free gift sample is not available then please share the quote and pack size or supplier list in India.
Look forward to get the positive response.
15 Tripelennamine Hcl 154-69-8 销售美国,必须有GMP 1 mt China
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