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Cell Systems研究表明光能控制胚胎干细胞分化

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2015-09-06  浏览次数:103




  研究者Matthew Thomson说道,我们发现了一种基本的机制,细胞可以利用该机制来决定是否进行发育;在胚胎发育期间,干细胞会表演一段精心安排的“舞蹈”,随后其会从无作用、未分化的形式转化成为构建机体主要器官系统的细胞。近些年来科学家们在未分化的干细胞中发现了很多可以编码干细胞发育的基因,而揭示这些细胞如何忽视嘈杂的波动以及快速反应形成机体所需细胞一直是科学家们的研究热点。










  Transcription Factor Competition Allows Embryonic Stem Cells to Distinguish Authentic Signals from Noise

  Cameron Sokolik, Yanxia Liu4, David Bauer, Jade McPherson, Michael Broeker, Graham Heimberg, Lei S. Qi45, David A. Sivak35, Matt Thomson5

  Stem cells occupy variable environments wher they must distinguish stochastic fluctuations from developmental cues. Here, we use optogenetics to investigate how the pluripotency network in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) achieves a robust response to differentiation cues but not to gene expression fluctuations. We engineered mouse ESCs to allow quantitative control over the endogenous mechanism of neural differentiation through a light-inducible Brn2 transgene and monitored differentiation status through a genome-integrated Nanog-GFP reporter. By exposing cells to pulses of Brn2, we find that the pluripotency network rejects Brn2 inputs that are below specific magnitude or duration thresholds, but allows rapid differentiation when both thresholds are satisfied. The filtering properties of the network arise through its positive feedback architecture and the intrinsic half-life of Nanog, which determines the duration threshold in the network. Together our results suggest that the dynamic properties of positive feedback networks might determine how inputs are classified as signal or noise by stem cells.

关键词: Brn2 , Nanog
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