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Nat. Biotech.:酿酒酵母代谢通路整合于线粒体提高支链醇产量

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-03-20  浏览次数:192

近日,三位美国科学家开展的"酿酒酵母代谢通路整合于线粒体提高支链醇产量"取得阶段性进展,其研究论文Compartmentalization of metabolic pathways in yeast mitochondria improves the production of branched-chain alcohols,近日在Nature Biotechnology杂志发表。




Compartmentalization of metabolic pathways in yeast mitochondria improves the production of branched-chain alcohols

José L Avalos, Gerald R Fink & Gregory Stephanopoulos

Efforts to improve the production of a compound of interest in Saccharomyces cerevisiae have mainly involved engineering or overexpression of cytoplasmic enzymes. We show that targeting metabolic pathways to mitochondria can increase production compared with overexpression of the enzymes involved in the same pathways in the cytoplasm. Compartmentalization of the Ehrlich pathway into mitochondria increased isobutanol production by 260%, whereas overexpression of the same pathway in the cytoplasm only improved yields by 10%, compared with a strain overproducing enzymes involved in only the first three steps of the biosynthetic pathway. Subcellular fractionation of engineered strains revealed that targeting the enzymes of the Ehrlich pathway to the mitochondria achieves greater local enzyme concentrations. Other benefits of compartmentalization may include increased availability of intermediates, removing the need to transport intermediates out of the mitochondrion and reducing the loss of intermediates to competing pathways.

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