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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-03-20  浏览次数:138



众所周知,一些上皮癌发生在两种类型上皮组织之间的过渡带,而另一些则起源于上皮组织干细胞。借由这些知识,研究人员在小鼠中发现了卵巢表面上皮的新型干细胞微环境,证实卵巢癌主要起源于这一微环境中的干细胞。该干细胞微环境位于称作门区(hilum region)的过渡区域。

论文的资深作者、康奈尔大学干细胞项目主管、病理学教授Alexander Nikitin说:“我们现在知道了这些细胞在小鼠中的定位,因此我们可以在人类中查找这些区域。”论文的主要作者、Nikitin实验室博士后研究人员Andrea Flesken-Nikitin补充说,这些研究发现也为科学家们在其他器官的过渡区中寻找干细胞微环境及癌症起源提供了指导。


研究人员首先发现,门区中的细胞表达一种已知的干细胞标记ALDH1。他们随后分离了ALDH1阳性细胞,确定了它们的遗传概貌(genetic profile),发现了许多从前报道过的其他器官干细胞的标记物。

其中一种称作LGR5的标记物,一直被其他研究人员利用来标记肠干细胞。在以往的研究中,研究人员曾通过培育特殊小鼠,并开发出一种先进的利用荧光蛋白的方法来追踪这些干细胞。编码荧光蛋白的基因可以从一个干细胞传递到下一代的子细胞中,由此标记谱系。Nikitin 说:“这一技术使得你能够在一段时间内观察干细胞的命运。将这种技术应用于门细胞,我们证实来自门区的细胞扩散到了整个卵巢。”




Ovarian surface epithelium at the junction area contains a cancer-prone stem cell niche

Andrea Flesken-Nikitin, Chang-Il Hwang, Chieh-Yang Cheng, Tatyana V. Michurina

Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths among women in the United States, but its pathogenesis is poorly understood1, 2, 3. Some epithelial cancers are known to occur in transitional zones between two types of epithelium, whereas others have been shown to originate in epithelial tissue stem cells4, 5, 6. The stem cell niche of the ovarian surface epithelium (OSE), which is ruptured and regenerates during ovulation, has not yet been defined unequivocally. Here we identify the hilum region of the mouse ovary, the transitional (or junction) area between the OSE, mesothelium and tubal (oviductal) epithelium, as a previously unrecognized stem cell niche of the OSE. We find that cells of the hilum OSE are cycling slowly and express stem and/or progenitor cell markers ALDH1, LGR5, LEF1, CD133 and CK6B. These cells display long-term stem cell properties ex vivo and in vivo, as shown by our serial sphere generation and long-term lineage-tracing assays. Importantly, the hilum cells show increased transformation potential after inactivation of tumour suppressor genes Trp53 and Rb1, whose pathways are altered frequently in the most aggressive and common type of human EOC, high-grade serous adenocarcinoma7, 8. Our study supports experimentally the idea that susceptibility of transitional zones to malignant transformation may be explained by the presence of stem cell niches in those areas. Identification of a stem cell niche for the OSE may have important implications for understanding EOC pathogenesis.

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