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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-03-20  浏览次数:121
2月28日,国际顶级学术期刊Cell发表了东南大学生命科学研究院/“发育与疾病相关基因”教育部重点实验室万亚坤课题组关于“A Role for the Nucleoporin Nup170p in Chromatin Structure and Gene Silencing”的研究成果。

2月28日,国际顶级学术期刊Cell发表了东南大学生命科学研究院/“发育与疾病相关基因”教育部重点实验室万亚坤课题组关于“A Role for the Nucleoporin Nup170p in Chromatin Structure and Gene Silencing”的研究成果(Cell, Volume 152, Issue 5, 28 February 2013, Pages 969-983)。该工作由加拿大阿尔伯塔大学、美国系统生物学研究所和东南大学联合完成,受到国家自然基金资助,万亚坤为论文并列第一作者。




A Role for the Nucleoporin Nup170p in Chromatin Structure and Gene Silencing

David W. Van de Vosse,Yakun Wan,Diego L. Lapetina,Wei-Ming Chen,Jung-Hsien Chiang,John D. Aitchison,Richard W. Wozniak

Nup170p physically interacts with Sir4p, Rap1p, and the chromatin remodeler RSC
Nup170p binds and represses expression of subtelomeric and ribosomal protein genes
Nup170p and Sir4p bind cooperatively to subtelomeric DNA
Tethering of subtelomeric chromatin to the NE during G1 phase requires Nup170p

Embedded in the nuclear envelope, nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) not only regulate nuclear transport but also interface with transcriptionally active euchromatin, largely silenced heterochromatin, as well as the boundaries between these regions. It is unclear what functional role NPCs play in establishing or maintaining these distinct chromatin domains. We report that the yeast NPC protein Nup170p interacts with regions of the genome that contain ribosomal protein and subtelomeric genes, where it functions in nucleosome positioning and as a repressor of transcription. We show that the role of Nup170p in subtelomeric gene silencing is linked to its association with the RSC chromatin-remodeling complex and the silencing factor Sir4p, and that the binding of Nup170p and Sir4p to subtelomeric chromatin is cooperative and necessary for the association of telomeres with the nuclear envelope. Our results establish the NPC as an active participant in silencing and the formation of peripheral heterochromatin.

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