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NeuroImage: 雷旭等发现休息时大脑活动可预测人格特质

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-03-18  浏览次数:102





休息,人格特质,大脑NeuroImage: 雷旭等发现休息时大脑活动可预测人格特质

DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.02.020

Extraversion is encoded by scale-free dynamics of default mode network

Xu Lei, Zhiying Zhao, Hong Chen

Resting-state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rsfMRI) is a powerful tool to investigate neurological and psychiatric diseases. Recently, the evidences linking the scaling properties of resting-state activity and the personality have been accumulated. However, it remains unknown whether personality is associated with the scale-free dynamics of default mode network (DMN) - the most widely studied network in the rsfMRI literatures. To investigate this question, we estimated the Hurst exponent, quantifying long memory of a time-series, in DMN of rsfMRI in 20 healthy individuals. The Hurst exponent in DMN, whether extracted by independent component analysis (ICA) or region of interest (ROI), was significantly associated with the extraversion score of the revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. Specifically, longer memory in DMN corresponded to lower extraversion. We provide evidence for an association between individual differences in personality and scaling dynamics in DMN, whose alteration has been previously linked with introspective cognition. This association might arise from the efficient in online information processing. Our results suggest that personality trait may be reflected by the scaling property of resting-state networks.


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