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Nat Neurosci:Erbin可调节大脑皮质中间神经元AMPA受体

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2012年2月1日电 --  精神性疾病是中枢神经系统发育异常引起的疾病,它包括精神分裂症、忧郁症、自闭症和强迫症等,其有着复杂的遗传因素和对致病环境的易感性。陈永君等发现新颖的AMPA受体调节蛋白-Erbin,有望加速揭开精神疾病的发病机制。

世界卫生组织资料显示世界人口的25% 受到精神性疾病的侵扰。神经精神类疾病给家庭和社会带来的负担,约占全球疾病总负担的11%。心理精神疾病病因仍然不清,以往的研究结果提示中间神经元在精神性疾病病理机制中发挥重要作用。抑制性中间神经元发育和突触传递异常是近几年被特别关注的可能病理机制之一。

Erbin(ErbB2/Her2 结合蛋白)是近年新发现的一个胞内蛋白,分子中含有富含亮氨酸的LRRs结构域和PDZ结构域,属于LAP家族。日前,美国原乔治亚医学院(Georgia Regents University)的科学家们在大脑皮质,Erbin特异表达在抑制性中间神经元上的兴奋性突触部位,调节AMPA受体在细胞表面的表达。论文第一作者陈永君博士、沈程勇博士等组成的科研团队在Erbin基因敲除小鼠中,parvalbumin蛋白表达阳性的抑制性中间神经元AMPA受体介导的突触电流降低,但兴奋性椎体神经元不受影响。他们还发现, AMPA受体辅助蛋白TARP的γ-2亚型在大脑皮质的中间神经元中特异表达。通过和TARP的γ-2相互作用,Erbin能够稳定γ-2蛋白。 在缺失γ-2相互作用结构域的Erbin突变小鼠中,中间神经元细胞表面的AMPA受体表达下降,兴奋性突触传递减弱。这两种Erbin基因突变小鼠都有明显的精神类行为学缺陷。这些研究结果首次表明,Erbin具有调节大脑皮质中间神经元AMPA受体在细胞表面表达的重要功能

该原创性研究成果刊发在2013年2月Nature Neuroscience期刊上,这将有助于人类进一步了解精神疾病的发病机制。


Erbin interacts with TARP γ-2 for surface expression of AMPA receptors in cortical interneurons

Yanmei Tao, Yong-Jun Chen, Chengyong Shen,Zhengyi Luo, C Ryan Bates, Daehoon Lee, Sylvie Marchetto,Tian-Ming Gao,Jean-Paul Borg,Wen-Cheng Xiong& Lin Mei

Inhibitory neurons control the firing of glutamatergic neurons and synchronize brain activity. However, little is known about mechanisms of excitatory synapse formation in inhibitory neurons. Here we demonstrate that Erbin is specifically expressed in cortical inhibitory neurons. It localizes at excitatory synapses and regulates AMPA receptor (AMPAR) surface expression. Erbin mutation reduced mEPSCs and AMPAR currents specifically in parvalbumin (PV)-positive interneurons but not in pyramidal neurons. We found that the AMPAR auxiliary protein TARP γ-2 was specifically expressed in cortical interneurons. Erbin interacts with TARP γ-2 and is crucial for its stability. Deletion of the γ-2–interacting domain in Erbin attenuated surface AMPAR and excitatory transmission in PV-positive interneurons. Furthermore, we observed behavioral deficits in Erbin-null mice and in mice expressing an Erbin truncation mutant that is unable to interact with TARP γ-2. These observations demonstrate a crucial function for Erbin in AMPAR surface expression in cortical PV-positive interneurons and may contribute to a better understanding of psychiatric disorders.

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