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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-02-19  浏览次数:122
2012年12月28日 讯 --第一三共(Daiichi Sankyo)宣布,旗下子公司Daiichi Sankyo Espha将推出5款包含2种活性成分的新的仿制药。

    2012年12月28日 讯  --第一三共(Daiichi Sankyo)宣布,旗下子公司Daiichi Sankyo Espha将推出5款包含2种活性成分的新的仿制药,分别为抗精神病药物喹硫平片(Quetiapine,25mg、100mg、200mg)及胃病药物消化道促动力剂枸橼酸莫沙必利片(Mosapride Citrate,2.5mg、5mg)。


    Daiichi Sankyo Espha to launch five new generic drugs
Comtex News Network
Dec 24, 2012 (Datamonitor via COMTEX) -- Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited has announced that its Japanese established pharmaceuticals subsidiary, Daiichi Sankyo Espha Company, Limited, will launch five generic products with two active ingredients.

    Daiichi Sankyo Espha will launch Quetiapine tablets in 25 mg, 100 mg and 200 mg DSEP formulations.

    Quetiapine tablet is used as an antipsychotic.

    It will also launch Mosapride Citrate tablets 2.5 mg DSEP, gastroprokinetic agent.

    The company also announced the launch of Mosapride Citrate tablets 5 mg DSEP, gastroprokinetic agent.   


关键词: 仿制药
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