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J. Control Release:载紫杉醇的纳米脂质体微泡复合物作为超声促发的药物载体

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-02-19  浏览次数:156
最新发布的2013年1月国际学术期刊《控释杂志》(Journal of Controlled Release)发表了中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院生物医学与健康工程研究所生物医学超声研究组的最新成果:载紫杉醇的纳米脂质体-微泡复合物作为超声促发的药物载体及其抗肿瘤作用的研究。

最新发布的2013年1月国际学术期刊《控释杂志》(Journal of Controlled Release)发表了中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院生物医学与健康工程研究所生物医学超声研究组的最新成果:载紫杉醇的纳米脂质体-微泡复合物作为超声促发的药物载体及其抗肿瘤作用的研究。





Synthesis and evaluation of a backbone biodegradable multiblock HPMA copolymer nanocarrier for the systemic delivery of paclitaxel

Rui Zhanga, 1, Kui Luoa, 1, Jiyuan Yanga, Monika Simaa, Yongen Sunb, Margit M. Janát-Amsburyb, Jind?ich Kope?eka, c

The performance and safety of current antineoplastic agents, particularly water-insoluble drugs, are still far from satisfactory. For example, the currently widely used Cremophor EL?-based paclitaxel (PTX) formulation exhibits pharmacokinetic concerns and severe side effects. Thus, the concept of a biodegradable polymeric drug-delivery system, which can significantly improve therapeutic efficacy and reduce side effects is advocated. The present work aims to develop a new-generation of long-circulating, biodegradable carriers for effective delivery of PTX. First, a multiblock backbone biodegradable N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide(HPMA) copolymer-PTX conjugate (mP-PTX) with molecular weight (Mw) of 335 kDa was synthesized by RAFT (reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer) copolymerization, followed by chain extension. In vitro studies on human ovarian carcinoma A2780 cells were carried out to investigate the cytotoxicity of free PTX, HPMA copolymer-PTX conjugate with Mw of 48 kDa (P-PTX), and mP-PTX. The experiments demonstrated that mP-PTX has a similar cytotoxic effect against A2780 cells as free PTX and P-PTX. To further compare the behavior of this new biodegradable conjugate (mP-PTX) with free PTX and P-PTX in vivo evaluation was performed using female nu/nu mice bearing orthotopic A2780 ovarian tumors. Pharmacokinetics study showed that high Mw mP-PTX was cleared more slowly from the blood than commercial PTX formulation and low Mw P-PTX. SPECT/CT imaging and biodistribution studies demonstrated biodegradability as well as elimination of mP-PTX from the body. The tumors in the mP-PTX treated group grew more slowly than those treated with saline, free PTX, and P-PTX (single dose at 20 mg PTX/kg equivalent). Moreover, mice treated with mP-PTX had no obvious ascites and body-weight loss. Histological analysis indicated that mP-PTX had no toxicity in liver and spleen, but induced massive cell death in the tumor. In summary, this biodegradable drug delivery system has a great potential to improve performance and safety of current antineoplastic agents.

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