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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-02-19  浏览次数:130



研究由波士顿儿童医院心内科的Bernhard Kühn博士主持。Kühn博士和它的团队从2009年开始研究健康人的心脏标本,这些人年龄波动范围在0到59岁。在用了很多实验室检测方法后,他们证实:这些人的心肌细胞在出生后还在分裂,在增加心肌细胞数量上起到了重要作用。心肌细胞再生速率在婴儿期最高,之后开始下降,在青少年发育急速期又开始升高,并且持续到大约20岁。这些结果强有力的说明,心肌细胞(组成心肌的细胞)增殖在健康年轻人心脏增长发挥了很大作用。





Cardiomyocyte proliferation contributes to heart growth in young humans

Mariya Mollova, Kevin Bersell, Stuart Walsh, Jainy Savla, Lala Tanmoy Das, Shin-Young Park, Leslie E. Silberstein, Cristobal G. dos Remedios, Dionne Graham, Steven Colana,b, and Bernhard Kühn

The human heart is believed to grow by enlargement but not proliferation of cardiomyocytes (heart muscle cells) during postnatal development. However, recent studies have shown that cardiomyocyte proliferation is a mechanism of cardiac growth and regeneration in animals. Combined with evidence for cardiomyocyte turnover in adult humans, this suggests that cardiomyocyte proliferation may play an unrecognized role during the period of developmental heart growth between birth and adolescence. We tested this hypothesis by examining the cellular growth mechanisms of the left ventricle on a set of healthy hearts from humans aged 0–59 y (n = 36). The percentages of cardiomyocytes in mitosis and cytokinesis were highest in infants, decreasing to low levels by 20 y. Although cardiomyocyte mitosis was detectable throughout life, cardiomyocyte cytokinesis was not evident after 20 y. Between the first year and 20 y of life, the number of cardiomyocytes in the left ventricle increased 3.4-fold, which was consistent with our predictions based on measured cardiomyocyte cell cycle activity. Our findings show that cardiomyocyte proliferation contributes to developmental heart growth in young humans. This suggests that children and adolescents may be able to regenerate myocardium, that abnormal cardiomyocyte proliferation may be involved in myocardial diseases that affect this population, and that these diseases might be treatable through stimulation of cardiomyocyte proliferation.

关键词: 心肌细胞,研究
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