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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-02-18  浏览次数:142
GSK公司CEO Andrew Witty向媒体表示,为了应对来自欧洲市场日益增大的价格竞争压力,从现在到2016年,公司计划通过对研发部门、制药部门以及销售部门的一系列措施来使公司每年削减10亿欧元的经费。

    GSK公司CEO Andrew Witty向媒体表示,为了应对来自欧洲市场日益增大的价格竞争压力,从现在到2016年,公司计划通过对研发部门、制药部门以及销售部门的一系列措施来使公司每年削减10亿欧元的经费。Witty并未透露这次计划中裁员的具体数目,但是他表示这次裁员将主要发生在管理部门和销售部门中。这在一定程度上也表明了GSK公司对目前欧洲糟糕的经济状况的担忧并希望借此来降低产品价格以增强竞争力。

    GSK公司也希望继续在研发过程中取得突破以扩大公司的市场份额。2013年被认为是GSK公司大获丰收的一年,从去年开始,公司先后提交了6种药物,其中包括治疗肺病的Breo和Anoro, 治疗黑色素瘤的药物trametinib 和 dabrafenib, 治疗HIV的药物 dolutegravir 以及治疗二型糖尿病的 albiglutide。


    In reaction to pricing pressure in Europe, GlaxoSmithKline ($GSK) aims to chop ?1 billion ($1.57 billion) in annual spending in Europe, R&D and manufacturing by 2016, the drugmaker revealed today in its fourth-quarter earnings. The London-based pharma giant intends to seek cost reductions through technical improvements in research and manufacturing, but GSK CEO Andrew Witty expects job cuts to be part of the European cost savings.

    Talking with analysts today, Witty didn't reveal any numbers of jobs to be slashed through the savings plan but noted that the majority of the impact on workers would be in administrative and sales units in Europe. And while touting the 6 new drugs under review and data expected from late-stage studies of 9 new drugs over the next two years, GSK signaled its growing angst about the troubling economic situation in Europe and resulting pricing pressures on its business.

    Glaxo expects to get the bulk of its cost savings in manufacturing and R&D through modernizing labs and research processes as well as new approaches to producing drugs rather than layoffs, a company spokeswoman told FierceBiotech in an email. The cutbacks are expected to cost the company ?1.5 billion ($2.34 billion) and primarily impact Europe, where sales dropped 7% as European authorities clamped down on drug pricing and reimbursements, Bloomberg reported."We are very serious about looking for the right strategic response" in Europe, Witty told analysts in a meeting webcasted today. He noted that 80% of the market exists outside of Europe, presenting opportunities for the company in other regions.

    2013 is bound to be an exciting year for GSK's vaunted pipeline and lineup of new meds under regulatory review. Since last year the company has filed for approval of 6 drugs including the inhaled asthma and COPD drug Breo, a LAMA/LABA med for COPD dubbed Anoro, a pair of melanoma drugs known as trametinib and dabrafenib, the HIV med dolutegravir and albiglutide for Type 2 diabetes.

    With data from late-stage studies of 14 assets expected over the next two years, GSK watchers are in for a wild ride as not all the programs are expected to succeed. Shares of GSK lagged the European pharma index last year, but the company aims to mount a comeback by launching up to 15 products over the next three years.

    "There will be lots of moments where I'm going to be very nervous, you're going to be very interested and we'll see how we both feel in the morning," Witty told analysts.

    " is going to be one of those sorts of years," the CEO added. "It's a very different sort of atmosphere for us. Obviously there's going to be lots of twists and turns. Not everything is going to go smoothly."


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