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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-01-29  浏览次数:155
默克雪兰诺今天宣布,企业家合作项目(Entrepreneur Partnership Program,EPP)中诞生了第5家公司——Ondaco Sarl,这是一家信息技术(IT)咨询和服务公司,拥有一支由16名员工组成的经验丰富的团队,目标是向特定客户提供个性化的解决方案。

    默克雪兰诺今天宣布,企业家合作项目(Entrepreneur Partnership Program,EPP)中诞生了第5家公司——Ondaco Sarl,这是一家信息技术(IT)咨询和服务公司,拥有一支由16名员工组成的经验丰富的团队,目标是向特定客户提供个性化的解决方案。默克雪兰诺将成为Ondaco的主要客户之一。

    英文原文:With an experienced team of sixteen employees, Ondaco will manage IT support services and application development for all Merck Serono sites based in the Vaud and Geneva cantons in Switzerland

    Merck Serono, a division of Merck, Darmstadt, Germany, announced today the formation of Ondaco Sàrl., an Information Technology (IT) consulting and services company created through the Merck Serono Entrepreneur Partnership Program (EPP). Merck Serono will become one of Ondaco's main clients as Ondaco will run IT support operations for all the Merck Serono sites in the Vaud and Geneva cantons: Coinsins, Eysins, Aubonne, Corsier-sur-Vevey and Geneva (until the closure of the site), for a period of at least twelve months. Services provided by Ondaco for Merck Serono will include on-site IT support, application development and project support, for a total value of over

关键词: 默克雪兰诺,EPP
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