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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-01-29  浏览次数:117
阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)周二宣布,与国际材料开发公司Ceram Research公司签署了一份协议。根据协议条款,Ceram将在一项可行性研究中开发其无机控释技术,用于递送阿斯利康所挑选的化合物。

    阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)周二宣布,与国际材料开发公司Ceram Research公司签署了一份协议。根据协议条款,Ceram将在一项可行性研究中开发其无机控释技术,用于递送阿斯利康所挑选的化合物。这项技术如果成功实施,将为阿斯利康提供一种可供选择的配方方法来递送这些化合物。

    英文原文:AstraZeneca inks pact with Ceram Research to develop inorganic-based controlled release technology

    London Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 17:00 Hrs   
AstraZeneca, a global pharmaceutical company, has signed an agreement with the international materials development company, Ceram Research Ltd.  Under the terms of aggreement Ceram will develop its inorganic-based controlled release technology in a feasibility study for the delivery of selected AstraZeneca compounds.

    “This technology, if successfully implemented, could provide AstraZeneca with an alternative formulation approach for delivering these compounds,” said Tony Kinsella, CEO, Ceram.

    Controlled release technology is just one of the development projects that Ceram’s team of materials experts is currently working on; others include multi-element substituted hydroxyapatite for orthopaedic device coating applications.

    With Healthcare as one of its largest markets, the materials development business has ambitious plans to continue its growth in the US and Europe.

    Tony Kinsella further informed, “Our work is focussed on commercial development of materials for industrial applications - exactly what a recent news item on the BBC said was lacking in Britain. We have, for example, recently helped Greatbatch Medical to gain FDA (510K) approval of a coating implant submission.  We have also worked with GlaxoSmithKline in the proving of its Sensodyne toothpaste - a product that has seen substantial annual growth over the last decade, creating significant incomes for both GSK and the UK.”   

关键词: 阿斯利康,Ceram
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